Saturday, September 26, 2009

Don't try to pick the winners

Have you ever watched "Deal or No Deal" and heard someone say "I came in with nothing, so I'm not loosing anything..." as they turn down $250,000 in the hopes of getting the $1,000,000 briefcase? My response is always... are you kidding me??? You are loosing something... how about $250,000! By pushing the button and accepting the deal they could walk away with a quarter of a million dollars more than they had before they came on the show. But instead they leave usually with almost nothing.

This is what happens so often with biotech stock trading. You buy the stock a couple of months before the PDUFA date, clinical trial data to be released, etc. and enjoy a nice 25, 50, 100% run-up. But instead of selling and realizing your gain you wait just to see bad data, or an approvable letter come out instead of the wonderful data, or approval you were so confident would be released. Granted sometimes you do hit it big and make A LOT of money... but most of the time all of your profit if not original investment simply disappears.

So a good strategy to try out (which I am trying to do myself) is to determine when the significant dates of small biotech companies are going to happen and get in and get out before the date occurs. Make your 25, 50, 100% profit and get out before the significant event occurs. You might miss out on some profit... but at least you'll be guaranteed the profit you already have.

So... the strategy is not to pick the winners but to get in and out of potential winners before they do or do not become winners (or losers). Hopefully our blog will help you do this. We will determine which stocks have an upcoming event and give insight onto which ones we think are good or not good buys.


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