Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well, it looks like AEZS has begun to move and thus my portfolio's recession period has ended. What has really surprised me though is that TLON.OB has skyrocketed these past few days, and I suppose I'm a bit sad I erased mention of it from my first blog. Yep, now I don't get the right to say that I picked it before the "pro's", but I suppose the fact that it's in my portfolio at a comparitively low $0.80 keeps the grin on my face.

TLON.OB was formerly Hana Biosciences I believe, and their lead drug is Marqibo which is targetted at ALL and has been expanded to cover a few other areas. My initial hesitance in mentioning it was due to what seemed like a stand still with the company. They were asked to work with the FDA to design a few experiments, their cash position wasn't as strong as I thought it should be, and honestly I didn't want the shame of it tanking after my public recommendation. Lesson learned: missed glory > shame. At least one other person benefitted though.

As for why it's suddenly on the move, I can only say that it must have a lot to do with the hype of "TooNiceStocks" initiating coverage on the stock. Naturally, Seekingalpha has also released an article mentioning the company. Aside from that nothing has truly changed that I have seen thus far, so whether the rocket will run out of full or burst through the exosphere I cant say, but hopefully the latter.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Post

My first post here I believe. I tend to not like influencing what others buy, but...the site needs a revival. I recently got back into the stock game after a short break, and screened all of the publicly traded biotechs. Of them all I have narrowed it down to two that I believe may yield a nice quick profit and/or decent gains.

Aeterna, Inc. AEZS -
A biotech specializing in oncology and endocrine therapy. They have several products in their pipeline and enough cash to push the main ones forward (something like $40 million). One of their drugs, Perifosine, has been granted orphan-drug and fast track designation by the FDA, and is in phase II for indications aside from its primary. Price at recommendation: $2.01 AH

Neuralstem (CUR) - A biotech using stem cell technology to treat ailments of the CNS. I am still a bit mixed on this one, but I do believe that it holds potential and will likely buy in at some point. Price at recommendation: $1.85 AH

In addition, for long-term hold investments I have been recommending: JNJ, PEP, INTC, COP, ATVI, BMY, and V. Six of the seven pay dividends quarterly, ATVI being the exception, and all are pretty solid companies in terms of ethics and cash. JNJ> recently added Crucell to its inventory, INTC is a leader in the semi-conductor field, BMY just got approval for its melanoma drug, and ATVI is overflowing with cash and still profitting from World of WarCraft, Call of Duty, and looks to have a good year if Star Craft II expansion I and >Diablo three are released this year. Buy them up, enroll in a "DRIP", and perhaps you can someday live off of dividends or at least have a child/grandchild that can. Invest wisely, take responsibility for your decisions, and good luck! TTM

"EDIT: During my second post I found out how to edit this former wall of text; it should be more reader friendly now. No content has changed." -TTM